How to Cite Census Data, including American Community Survey Data

Photo by Beatriz Pérez Moya on Unsplash So this blog post probably won’t be among the most captivating posts I’ve ever written. But it might help someone who is googling around for “how to cite Census data.” UPDATE: this post was revised on May 8, 2013. The citations below are in Modern Language Association format — …

3 Best Sources for Free Parcel Data

Photo by Alex Bertha on Unsplash I recently got a question from a Cubit user about where to get parcel data. I’ve shared our conversation in hopes that it might answer other peoples’ questions about where to find parcel and real estate data. The Question: Where Do I Find Parcel Data? “I’m working on my …

2 Ways to Figure Out Census Tracts by City

[UPDATE: WE NO LONGER OFFER FREE TRIALS FOR THE WEB APP] You have 2 options for figuring out which Census tracts are in your city. Important Note: What you and me and other normal people would call cities or towns, the Census Bureau calls places. Option 1. Census Tracts by City for Complex Cities (i.e. New …

What are Census Summary Levels (SUMLEV)?

If you’re using Mara’s excellent instructions for working with Census 2010 data, you’ll need to know about Summary Levels or SUMLEVs in step 6. What are Census Summary Levels (SUMLEV)? Simple Answer: SUMLEV is a Census Bureau code to indicate geography type. For example, in the raw Census 2010 data, all states have a SUMLEV …