Estimating White-Collar Workers Using Census Data

Photo by Israel Andrade on Unsplash Are you curious about the number of white-collar workers in your area? Well, I recently embarked on a journey to find white-collar worker categories from the Census Bureau, and let me tell you, it was quite the adventure! In this blog post, I’ll take you through my process of …

2020 Census Data Release Update

Photo by Enayet Raheem on Unsplash. Post updated February 2022. When can you get your hands on 2020 Census data? It’s complicated. Here’s a table with important dates. Date Data Type Description February 2021 Geography data The boundaries (think outlines) April 30, 2021 Apportionment count Population by state Aug 16 &Sep 30 2021 Redistricting count …

How to make money on Google Ads after all your campaigns start losing money

Summary: You can use Google Ads data to estimate demand for your business — which is cool because it’s harder to get data about demand than it is to get data about who lives where. One of the most popular demographic data pulls that we do each day is a radius report which provides demographics …